Clane Community Projects

Youth Project
Clane Project Centre conducted a needs analysis of Clane in 2007 and the single most pressing need at that time was the issue of the ‘youth’ sector of the community with ‘no place to go, nothing to do without the interference of adults.’ In response to this CPC Clane Project Centre approached KYS Kildare Youth Services to assist and advise on a project that would provide a ‘place to go and things to do’ free of adult interference.

Coder Dojo
Coder Dojo is an international programme, started in Ireland, aimed at engaging children in coding through a fun, cool environment. Clane CoderDojo, started in 2013, is sponsored by Clane Project Centre.
The Programme is held in NEXUS, Clane Project Centre, Prosperous Road, Clane for children 7-14 yrs.

Men's Sheds
Cane Men’s Shed is a Community Based Project, supported by Clane Project Centre, where men can come together to learn, share skills and long lasting friendships. Men with a bit of time on their hands who want to pass a few hours are welcome. The Men’s Shed provides a haven for men to engage in their hobbies and learn more skills as they go.